On 17/12/10 10:29 AM, "william humphrey" <b...@bluewatermaritime.com> wrote:

> My math skills are terrible but this is something I can do in excel but
> which should also be easy to do with a nested array in livecode. I want to
> build a function that returns the numbers that are out of sequence in a list
> of numbers. Say you are given (3,4,5,6,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,13,14) and the
> function should return:
> (1,2,11 - missing)
> (6,13 - duplicate)
> Can someone please help me write this function?

How 'bout this...

pMin is your minimum value
pMax is your maximum value
pList is your list of numbers to test
The output is a list of missing numbers (line 1) and repeat numbers (line 2)

function stuff pMin, pMax, pList
   put empty into tMissingList
   put empty into tDuplicateList
   repeat with i = pMin to pMax
      put true into tMissing
      put empty into tDuplicate
      repeat for each item tValue in pList
         if tValue = i then
            put false into tMissing
            put i & comma after tDuplicate
         end if
      end repeat
      if tMissing then
         put i & comma after tMissingList
      end if
      if the number of items in tDuplicate > 1 then
         put i & comma after tDuplicateList
      end if
   end repeat
   return (char 1 to -2 of tMIssingList) &cr& \
   (char 1 to -2 of tDuplicateList)
end stuff


> Thanks in advance.
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Dr Terry Judd | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Education Unit
Melbourne Medical School
The University of Melbourne

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