On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Gareth France wrote:
> the hex seems different for each one which is strange.

The results are within 1% (std dev 0.5) and this is significantly
better than the +/-5% given in the specification for the Seaward PAT
testing units.  The PAT tester is effectively a giant multi-meter, and
just like using a multi-meter, sampling the properties of real world
physics gives jitter in the results.  This is entirely expected.

> On 27/11/14 13:49, Paul Sladen wrote:
> > In this case, this is above >99.99, which the new meter shows as
> > '99.99' so we need to cap it with the minimum function:
> >    python -c 'print bool(not 0x48db>>15),min(99.99,0.01*(0x48db&0x7fff))'
> >    True 99.99
> The 42.79 works great but the 99.99 results don't co-operate.
> Some of these were duplicated but they are all results that came up as 
> 99.99. I've played round with all sorts of combinations but can't come 
> up with anything that works. Any ideas appreciated.

We can use min(99.99, ...) to limit the values over 99.99 to be 99.99.



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