Thanks. I've seen what I'd like but it's in PC world. I really don't think I can make a purchase if it is effectively an endorsement of Windows 8! I'm sure there must be another way.

On 04/11/14 15:39, Liam Proven wrote:
On 3 November 2014 13:57, Gareth France <> wrote:
I firmly believe part of the problem with Linux adoption is that we all go
out, buy Windows machines and then wipe them. This sends out the message to
manufacturers that we want Windows on our machines and so the cycle

I'm looking to purchase a laptop shortly and would much prefer to buy a
machine with Linux pre-installed but of course choice is limited. I was
wondering what budget machines are available and recommended. Yes I know
Dell will sell me one for a sqillion pounds but I'm looking to spend about

It might take some negotiation, but I know that these guys are capable of it:

Ask for Wayne if they are balky, and tell him I sent you.

I know they can do it because they are the hardware arm behind this:

... And those machines are shipped with Mint or Ubuntu GNOME.

This is a general offer, by the way. I am, or rather used to be,
involved with Simplicity and have worked in Wessex's offices many
time. But there is no kickback or anything to me in this deal!


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