Having said that, I found Bitcasa just before Google Drive announced their
$10 for a terabyte deal and use that as my offsite backup. No sync system
but a supported FUSE based filesystem (in beta). If anyone fancies trying
them out (and giving me a bit of extra space) they can do so by clicking
here: http://l.bitcasa.com/n6j02kWQ


On 2 April 2014 15:29, Simon Greenwood <sfgreenw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2 April 2014 15:26, YaManicKill <mailingl...@10people.co.uk> wrote:
>> Spideroak allows you to sync any file of folder anywhere on your
>> computer. It is also encrypted with your password. Very nice.
>> I'd recommend that, the rest of them just sync a folder, which is a bit
>> annoying.
> Spideroak is about the best but it's not as consistent across machines as
> Ubuntu One. I've managed to confuse it considerably where Ubuntu One has
> hiccups but does seem to be consistent.
> s/
> --
> Twitter: @sfgreenwood
> "TBA are particularly glib"

Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"TBA are particularly glib"

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