I went through the same thing, lightdm stopped working last week some time, had to flip to gdm to fix it, but now I am back on lightdm and all is well (GDM was fine too, little bit prettier imho, but I like to run as standard as possible). Trusty looks like it is going to be a good one, a lot of the unity window manager bugs have been addressed, locally integrated menus are massively better than the global menu, alt-tab and alt-` and launcher mouse scroll wheel for window changing is generally not producing any of the surprising results it used to do.


On 14/03/14 20:52, Barry Drake wrote:
On 14/03/14 15:18, Peter Smout wrote:
lightdm - this command should through you to the graphical login screen (may need to be run as root <sudo>) It may also be worth checking the logs in /var/log (cd into /var/log and use nano to view the files) I'd look in the xorg log first if it still exists :)

Thanks all of you. startx didn't help - x was already running. The xorg log shows no problems. The problem is in, or associated with, lightdm, but stopping and restarting it made no difference. Currently, I have altered the default desktop manager to gdm. This works, but I really don't like it! Lightdm running unity really is nice. gdm is not as easy to use and is much slower.

I guess I'll just have to try lightdm after every likely update until it works again. I booted into my paralell installation of 13.10 this morning to get access to Trusty and edit the desktop manager. It is so slow compared with Trusty. I'd forgotten about that.

Regards,        Barry.

Libertus Solutions


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