On 14 March 2014 15:18, Peter Smout <smoutp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am no expert, but if you have a prompt <user@hostname:$-) or a login
> prompt then AFAIK the 'system' has started OK, but for some reason the GUI
> has not and I did know a couple of commands that MAY help....


> (I'll mention at this point that I'm running Saucy so some of this may well
> be obsolete, in which case please accept my apologies in advance!).

It isn't obsolete. Trusty isn't out yet. I don't think it's even
formally in beta. It is not finished, and as such, anyone running it
should /expect/ to have problems.

> If you get a login prompt login first (obviously)
> startx - this command starts the 'X-server' that powers your GUI, this is
> possibly redundant if 14.04 is using Mir (I hope not as these things should
> be tested in a development release first!)

This should work, yes.

The first thing I'd do, though, would be to see if there was an
xorg.conf file in /etc/X11. If there is, remove it, or better still,
temporarily move it elsewhere or rename it. As of recent X.org
versions, for a few years now, it should start and run fine with no
xorg.conf - removing this is an easy way of getting around problems
with proprietary drivers, for instance.

And no, Mir will not be on by default in 14.04! But of course the OP
/might/ have enabled it.

Liam Proven * Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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