On 11 December 2013 19:28, Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 December 2013 18:19, Deryk Foote <deryk.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ubuntu is great at a lot of things, but keeping my cinder block of an old
>> Dell from kicking the proverbial bucket isn't one of them.
> If you want something a bit more basic, Crunchbang works very well. It
> used to be Ubuntu based but now it's based on Debian. It's even
> lighter-weight than Lubuntu but a bit more basic. Do remember to turn
> off display compositing though - this is on by default and really
> slows down older machines.

Going out on a slight limb here, but I've had great success* with
Manjaro on a set of EeePC 901s (Atom chips with 1GB RAM). Their XFCE
version is excellent, and the OpenBox spin (ManjaroBox) is even

It's Arch-based rather than Debian, though. Not that this is a
disadvantage - AUR and ABS are incredibly useful.

It also works very well on newer stuff (even better in some cases than
more established distros). I wouldn't yet use it for a stable server


*made a note, there.


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