Hi Alan,

Please add "make Python not suck on Raspberry Pi" to your list of requests.
Execution time for python is so bad I had to rewrite a number of my tools
as shell scripts. Since many tools in Ubuntu are based on Python, I expect
that'll be on your list anyway.

Hopefully that's just an issue with the Raspbian builds and not an inherent
issue with the processor. :)


On 2013-11-07 00:52, Alan Bell wrote:
> from the pitch . . .
> "Rasbian is a great operating platform for it, the LXDE desktop is fine,
> the Wayland demo was brilliant and loads of cool projects are happening
> based on the Pi. We still want Ubuntu on it though. We are using it in
> embedded projects, it is also turning up in things like the OpenERP Point
> of Sale kit, situations where it doesn't need a responsive user interface
> (or a user interface at all). It would be great to know that all the
> libraries we are using on it are the same versions we are using on other
> computers that are running Ubuntu. "
> Basically when writing code on my laptop to deploy on the pi I want it to
> be the same environment. Now I could run Debian Wheezy on my laptop of
> course, but I am not going to do that. I am running Ubuntu on my laptop and
> I want to run Ubuntu on the Pi. Seeing Ubuntu Desktop with Mir and Unity 8
> would be kind of sweet, but the project isn't a failure if that doesn't
> work out - and the Unity desktop might well not run well on the Pi, we are
> well below the minimum recommended specification. It will be fun to try,
> but I don't want to set expectations too high. Having Ubuntu server as an
> expectation is probably deliverable, going above and beyond that would be a
> bonus.
> Alan.
> On 06/11/13 21:14, Nigel Verity wrote:
>> Alan
>> I'm all for maximising the choice of OS that can be run on a Pi, but your
>> Indigogo pitch doesn't make clear what advantages Ubuntu server with no
>> desktop will bring, compared to the existing Debian derivative which
>> already provides LXDE. The pitch also gives the impression that if it
>> does eventually prove possible to get Unity running on top of "Pibuntu"
>> then the performance is not going to be up to much.
>> Please don't take this as pouring cold water on your plans, more a
>> pointer for enhancing the FAQs.
>> Regards
>> Nige
> -- 
> Libertus Solutions
> http://libertus.co.uk

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