I think another aspect that should not be ignored is the potential
roadmap for such arm devices. Admittedly I'm not aware of the Raspberry
Pi's future direction, but in general more and more such arm devices
seem to be in the offing. The raspberry pi itself has captured a
stunningly large market share and surely Ubuntu should be trying to get
a distro out at the start of the project, rather than being latecomers
to Raspberry Pi V2.
Unity performance notwithstanding, ubuntu server has a lot of potential
on such a device (and IMHO is server is the jewel in the ubuntu crown)
Disclaimer - ubuntu server is in the roadmap for the NHS spine v2 (
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/10/10/nhs_drops_oracle_for_riak/) <-
sorry for the El Reg link, but it's a brief and pretty accurate summary
of future plans
On 06/11/13 21:52, Alan Bell wrote:
from the pitch . . .
"Rasbian is a great operating platform for it, the LXDE desktop is
fine, the Wayland demo was brilliant and loads of cool projects are
happening based on the Pi. We still want Ubuntu on it though. We are
using it in embedded projects, it is also turning up in things like
the OpenERP Point of Sale kit, situations where it doesn't need a
responsive user interface (or a user interface at all). It would be
great to know that all the libraries we are using on it are the same
versions we are using on other computers that are running Ubuntu. "
Basically when writing code on my laptop to deploy on the pi I want it
to be the same environment. Now I could run Debian Wheezy on my laptop
of course, but I am not going to do that. I am running Ubuntu on my
laptop and I want to run Ubuntu on the Pi. Seeing Ubuntu Desktop with
Mir and Unity 8 would be kind of sweet, but the project isn't a
failure if that doesn't work out - and the Unity desktop might well
not run well on the Pi, we are well below the minimum recommended
specification. It will be fun to try, but I don't want to set
expectations too high. Having Ubuntu server as an expectation is
probably deliverable, going above and beyond that would be a bonus.
On 06/11/13 21:14, Nigel Verity wrote:
I'm all for maximising the choice of OS that can be run on a Pi, but
your Indigogo pitch doesn't make clear what advantages Ubuntu server
with no desktop will bring, compared to the existing Debian
derivative which already provides LXDE. The pitch also gives the
impression that if it does eventually prove possible to get Unity
running on top of "Pibuntu" then the performance is not going to be
up to much.
Please don't take this as pouring cold water on your plans, more a
pointer for enhancing the FAQs.
Libertus Solutions