On 13/06/13 20:39, SuperEngineer wrote:
Am I the only one who's noticed a complete twitter fail on 12.04 apps
recently? It is a is a possibility it is a fail on my behalf but...

on 2 separate machines [desktop running 12.04 64 bit AND netbook running
12.04 32 bit there is no longer access to twitter from apps.  Access to
actual Twitter account via browser is fine - so no nasty things done to

Access via Hotot or Gwibber on both machines [using latest Hotot from
ppa on desktop, version from standard repo on 32 bit] a fail. Access via
standard Cwibber also a total fail fail on both machines.

I have removed permissions directly on Twitter and reinstated but still
no access.  Hotot authorises token but fails authentication on sing in.
Gewibber can't successfully re-authorise.  All were working 100% until 3
days ago.

I'm stuck on this one as to next move - especially having thrown Mint 15
onto a spare partition and see Hotot work perfectly with no problems. I
had suspected Twitter API but the Mint vesrion is as per my 12.04 64 bit
desktop from ppa & this confuses me - unless a library/package in 12.04
is no longer compatible with / is missing / is corrupt on 2 machines at
the same time].

I’m stuck as to next next move except to report bug - which I don’t want
to do until I find I'm not the only person affected.
Suggestions [or confirmations] welcome.

Twitter today discontinued the version of the API that those applications (at those particular versions) are using. Canonical might update Gwibber, as it's part of LTS, to the new API version, but Hotot probably won't see any love.

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