On 10/05/13 10:48, Alan Pope wrote:
On 10/05/13 10:40, Gareth France wrote:
After the way you spoke to me last time Alan, I'd rather run over my
hard drive with my car! Rude was not the word.
Ok, so at this point I have numerous reply options available to me.
They are varied in their approach however I'm choosing to go with the
"I apologise if I have upset you in the past. I am making a genuine
offer to assist in the predicament you're currently in by offering to
send you a piece of equipment, gratis. That offer still stands. I'll
even pay the postage."
Have a nice day.
Ok, well thank you for the offer. As I have stated to a number of people
during this discussion I shall be fine without any donated kit. My
machine is booked for collection on Monday anyway so there wouldn't be
time to re-jig everything anyway.
I'm sorry if I come across a bit harsh sometimes but that conversation
really did baffle me, I left feeling rather hurt.