On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 22:38 +0100, alan c wrote:
> I would suggest that -public- lists where strategy is formulated to 
> take over the world, or whatever, might be seen as just a little, 
> well, naive, when the competition is such as we find. It is more than 
> easy to steer (a very polite way to express this) any meaningful 
> discussion, without being too obvious. If I had a large pension 
> depending on maintaining a good old monopoly, then I would be pretty 
> much using all possible means to disrupt and deflect the possible 
> competition, on all fronts.
> - 
just one final word (sentence)- my word "educate" was deliberate... get
the kids using Linux, let them think it's 'normal'.

Not a strategy - just a bit of common sense ;)

Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

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-----Free  as in Freedom------


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