On 09/05/13 18:46, Gareth France wrote:
On 09/05/13 18:38, William Anderson wrote:
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Gareth France
<gareth.fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
I thought I would just bring the experiences I'm having with Packard
Bell /
Acer to everyone's attention. I've been unhappy with my laptop since
the day
I got it and it seems to be falling apart very rapidly. I have been
to get it looked at but it's like pulling teeth!
Oddly enough linux hasn't been the biggest stumbling block. Anyway, if
anyone fancies a giggle the entire conversation with them is logged
on my
blog page:
After reading this, it looks like you've had a fairly typical
experience: you've engaged outsourced frontline support for a low-tier
electronics manufacturer, and you've wandered outside the bounds of
their scripts. When dealing with a box shifter like Packard Bell, the
easiest way to get a result is conform as much as possible to their
requests and get the machine shipped off as soon as possible
(preferably covered by a home and contents or business asset policy).
If you can send it back with a relatively stock OS install, even
And I'm afraid I agree with Liam here. If the data on the laptop (one
which you readily admit is "junk") is of any material importance to
you or your business, get it backed up by whatever means necessary. I
personally use a mixture of rsnapshot (for my Ubuntu servers) and Time
Machine (for my Mac desktops/laptops) to give me a comprehensive layer
of recoverable backup data. If you're unable to invest in a hard disc
to drop data onto, have you considered a bunch of DVD-Rs? Or perhaps
you'd be able to temporarily borrow a USB HDD, or USB-SATA adapter and
a regular 2.5"/3.5" drive, from a fellow IT type? Perhaps someone on
list has some spare kit they could punt your way?
Also, you're concerned about retaining your data to run your business
- how will you access the data if the laptop is gone? If you're
planning to use the Dell you mentioned, do you literally have 500GiB
used on your Packard Bell? If it's all in $HOME, do a du -sch ~ - if
the answer is < free capacity of Dell computer, sorted! If not, see
borrowing tips above!
Re: the phone number, just search for Acer on saynoto0870.com - there
are several hits which match or closely match the number you mentioned
in your blog post.
I think you're unnecessarily making a rod for your own back here when
some creative thinking could help you. Rather than asking us to
giggle at a bunch of hapless support monkeys being forced outside of
the scope of their limited frontline support capabilities, ask the
community to help you out! :)
I'll be using a desktop for the duration the machine is away. I have
been looking at incremental backup solutions. What I'd like to do is
setup a system where it connects to an FTP server and only backs up the
data that has changed since last backup. Something I would trigger
rather than scheduled as I'm on mobile broadband and would need to do
backups whenever I was near a proper broadband connection. I've found
quite a few solutions which 'sort of' do this as I'd like but most don't
cut it and some simply refused to connect to my server. Do you have any
suggestions which may help?
Script it (simple google search will help if you dont know how!) ignore
the bit about cron- that will automate, just click the file to execute
when connected by b/b
Bad customer service is something which really winds me up and you have
hit the nail on the head there. This is the customer service equivalent
of painting by numbers. The collection has been arranged now and fingers
crossed they will fix it. I know that my laptops always take quite a
pounding but I can only think of one other which faired this badly, made
by a company called Hi-Grade. I really don't expect a machine to be
virging on unusable after only 8 months, regardless of how cheap it is.
I know what you mean but as with most things these days it's all run at
the 'lowest common denominator' which does mean some compromise on your
part :)