On 09/05/13 13:35, Barry Drake wrote:
On 09/05/13 13:00, Paul Sutton wrote:
Taking on the big boys is a big job, helping the smaller shops expand
what they offer may be the way forward. and it helps local small shops
which the high street needs too. If a small store offers something
unique then it helps them generate new customer interest. Just a few
thoughts. Paul
A problem here is that there is no way any of the small shops can
compete on price with the big boys. And as we know, the big boys are
driven by Microsoft to an unfair degree.
All true but speaking personally I would rather pay a *few* quid more
for good knowledgeable service than save a fiver and get zero support!
But that's just me!
Four years or so ago, I bought a Dell netbook with Ubuntu
pre-installed. I went in to our local Dixons at that time asking about
purchasing from them but was told "We no longer stock it - they all came
back". I imagine they 'all came back' because of lack of
staff-training. OTOH the price of these netbooks from Dixons had been
really keen. No independent retailer could possibly have got near it!
Regards, Barry.