On 09/05/13 13:00, Paul Sutton wrote:
On 09/05/13 11:09, pete smout wrote:
On 09/05/13 10:51, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
On 2013-05-09 10:39, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
I find it very interesting that nearly four years ago, when I bought my
Toshiba Netbook with Ubuntu Remix from Dixons, they were selling
like hot
cakes, far better than the equivalent Windows machines.
Then suddenly, overnight, they disappeared. Now what retailer would
a best-selling line instantly like that, /unless /there was some
sort of
external pressure to do so? ;-(
Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately
explained by stupidity."
Perhaps it was the inability of the staff to provide effective
support, I would suggest that the earlier offer of training made by
Victor is the way forward, but this must come down from 'on high' as
many of the store based 'managers' seem to lack the confidence /
ability to make a decision for the benefit of their customers. Perhaps
now that LINUX is becoming more 'mainstream' now is the time to apply
pressure to the top of such monolithic organizations.
Note I have found my local 1 man band PC supplies store to be far more
helpful, and if he does not know he takes my number and does some
research and gets back to me (good 'ole customer service is not dead!).
I hope to build a good enough relationship with him that we can get a
small rack of Ubuntu install cd's in his shop soon! (I have convinced
him to try it on his old(er) laptop rather than throw it away as it
wont run WIN 8! this conversation only happened last week!
I will keep this list posted on any progress I make.
Maybe we can include a few user group fliers in there too, so people at
least have some way of getting help / support if they need it, maybe
invite him to join the lug, as for cd's maybe also include some Lubuntu
cd's , debian cd's or other cd's (maybe the lug can help put some
together), perhaps the shop owner could help by providing a pc + Linux,
but include a built in sd card writer and a raspberry pi image, so new
pi users can get help flashing the sd card.
Where are you based, maybe the lug can do some sort of Linux demo event
or something ast the shop, a bit like the Ubuntu hours but if we call
it GNU/Linux hour instead is less distro centric.
Taking on the big boys is a big job, helping the smaller shops expand
what they offer may be the way forward. and it helps local small shops
which the high street needs too.
If a small store offers something unique then it helps them generate new
customer interest.
Just a few thoughts.
All are valid ideas, I admit to being Ubuntu centric, although Lubuntu
and Debian are also valid ideas, the guy concerned has taken 'my advise'
and d-loaded ubuntu and installed it to see for him self (he admitted to
'not having considered LINUX in at least 10 years'. I will pop in on
Saturday and see how he is getting on, and discuss the ideas mentioned
above, he was already aware of the Raspberry Pi project, and was doing
his own research on that before I spoke to him.
I am based in Southampton, the shop is in the Woolston area of the city
(Bridge Computers), which is not the 'richest' area of town and a
lo-cost solution I think would be of interest to his 'passing trade'.
I will certainly mention the Hants. LUG (I have found their support both
useful and fascinating).
Having said all of that he remains a business and as such is there to
make money, convincing him to supply things F.O.C might be harder than
we think! I felt that if I could convince *him* of the viability of
modern LINUX distros then half the battle would be won!
Maybe if other LINUX users in the area popped in and asked all the right
questions he might be persuaded that offering LINUX support could be his
USP and generate further business from outside of his local area! Maybe
even the South-Coast's goto place for LINUX. he might consider it a
small price to 'give things away'!
If anyone needs further info please contact me off list for directions etc.