On 12/04/13 20:40, SuperEngineer wrote:
I have just been trying to purchase an download from U1 Music Store.
When it should have started downloading I got "an error has occurred"
[It doesn;t actually help with what the error is!] So I assumed "hmmm,
must have got card number wrong or some other numpty detail"...
So having re-entered all from scratch [v. carefully]... same error & no
indication as to why - just "an error has occurred".
All links on the "click here" might as well have been answered by the
single sentence "fooled you!"
my bank account has now been debited with two pending purchases exactly
matching the failed Ubuntu One Music Store amounts.
Whilst I know the obvious answer is "but we don't deal with that side,
that's 7digital Ltd's problem.
So in short, you _assumed_ that your card was declined for some reason
and began the purchase again, then _assumed_ that Canonical would shrug
off the problem to 7digital?
How about giving us the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes stuff breaks and
you need to contact support to fix it.
Googling for "ubuntu one support" turned up
https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact/ as the first hit. "Our support team
will respond as soon as possible during normal business hours (Mon-Fri
8AM - 5PM CST, 15:00 - 22:00 GMT)"
So unfortunately it looks like you'll have to wait for tomorrow for
someone to have a look at it. Next time though try not to assume the
worst eh? :)
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager
Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164