On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 07:38 +0100, richard wrote:
> On 21/06/12 17:47, john wrote:
> > Thought that this may be interesting :
> >
> > ww.h-online.com/open/news/item/Dell-to-bring-Ubuntu-laptops-to-850-retail-stores-in-India-1620657.html
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> so why not sell them here too ?
Hi Richard,

With over £700m per year revenues from U.K Government at stake.Combined
with a very nice tax avoidance scheme. Microsoft, understandably, are
going to 'squash' any upstarts before they even get off the ground. So
the rule of the school yard applies for Ubuntu:'don't pick on anyone
bigger than yourself'. And make friends with the right people : Dell in
India and China.

The big change is that European Governments and Governments are shifting
to open-standards. Even in the U.K :

I proposed to the Cabinet Office Open Standards Committee that they
benchmark with the State of Oklahoma, where they have made huge savings
through using open-source software. For example replacing Oracle with
MySQL databases. Although nowadays they would probably prefer MariaDB
instead. People and companies tend to follow what their Governments

Then there will be Chinese and Indian students arriving in the U.K.
Looking towards using Ubuntu rather than the Windows Systems provided by
their Unis.

Bit early in the morning for this. But its my slant on things.



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