On 29/02/12 21:21, alan c wrote:
On 29/02/12 18:30, Andres Muniz wrote:
Liam said:
Not yet, no. It's not yet in beta. It's too soon.
i mean unity 11.10. This person is using 10.04 (LTS)
I'd plug the offending machine into the network with a cable and do a
full update. If that still does not resolve the problem, try one of
the newer kernels.
how do i try a new kernel in ubuntu 10.04? I thought it was updated
It should be updated automatically, and in a distance support
situation I would be pretty reluctant to run another kernel.
It is possible that the machine has not been fully updated, or that an
update has got screwed. This happened a number of times with a friend
of mine I help, I guess because the internet connection at the time
was flakey and I think the machine would have got switched off
regardless and maybe not recovered properly.
I am still using 10.04 (although also running 11.10 unity, and 12.04
alpha) and all of my novice friends are likewise running 10.04 (LTS).
This means I have time to catch up with Unity , which I quite like,
and also it gives unity more time to get slick, which it is certainly
doing as seen in my 12.04 alpha installation.
My intention is to let my 'users' know that a change in look and feel
is coming, and I have suggested to them that an update somewhere mid
year would be a good thing. I will spend time with each of them to
ensure they are settled with it then.
Exceptions are my wife, who as a non tech user instantly demanded the
cool new look on her cool looking meenee laptop (!) (which came with
pre installed 10.10 I think). I am still holding off another friend
who wanted the cool new look when the beta of 11.04 was seen in
passing! I am sure the end users will be happy and find stuff simpler
than they do now, and I will have no need to keep talking about which
menu things are in. But as an 'admin' I will need to be just a bit
more conversant with dancing around in unity than I am now. Not much
more but still more.
I like Unity and I am looking forward to using it all the time, but I
want to do that only when my novice friends are using the same as
myself. It is easier to support them that way, and I am busy anyway.
Thanks for that! good advice!
Sent from my Ubuntu desktop