On 4 April 2011 13:58, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I hope it is ok to post this here, I am looking for a SheevaPlug (or
> similar) to run my weather station.  I thought I would ask just in
> case anyone had one surplus to requirements and would be prepared to
> sell it.  I am using an O2 Joggler, hacked with Ubuntu, at the moment,
> which does the job ok but is just not reliable enough for a mission
> critical app.  At the moment it does both the display and the data
> acquisition,  periodically sending the data to a remote server for
> long term storage, but I want to split off the acquisition to
> something more stable and just use the joggler as the display.
> Colin

There are quite a few on eBay, but they are relatively expensive. Have
you looked at the Linutop project, or perhaps one of the netbooks from

Regards, Kris Douglas.
 T. 0845 004 2066 | M. 07728574285


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