I support both my dad and my aunt, neither of whom are particularly au fait
with computers.

Before leaving theirs, I set up OpenVPN between their PC and my server,
using DynDNS to find my home server and opening UDP port 1194 to my OpenVPN
server, in this case, my Fonera 2.0N

I add a certificate per-machine and install the OpenVPN package, then copy
the client settings and certs to /etc/openvpn to make it startup on boot.

Each machine has Vino installed, and I VNC using remmina to their PC to
support them. I've installed OpenSSH server on their machines so I can
perform package updates without needing to disturb their desktop experience
or check settings where a GUI isn't needed.

If I'm unable to get my connection to the OpenVPN server up I SSH to the
Fonera (where the OpenVPN terminates) and then port forward from there,
however it's rare I need to do this.
Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
On 24 Mar 2011 07:42, "Byte Soup" <bytes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Do any of you have friends and family not living nearby, who use Ubuntu
> you provide remote support to them. What do you use? Teamviewer, VNC,
> What would you recommend and whats your experiences?
> Thanks
> -Mark

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