On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 16:51 +0100, Gordon Allott wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I'm moving house and taking a look at the broadband speeds in the
> local area shows something... suspicious.
> http://www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk/broadband_speed_in_my_area_v2.aspx?postcode=cw26jn
> namely that in the area I'm moving to there is a paltry less than 1mbit
> and often around 0.33mbit. whereas just up the road 4/5mbit is fairly
> common. 
> I'm wondering if its a problem with the local lines, and if so, who I
> would call about it? is it worth asking the engineer that connecting my
> line next week to take a look? I'm not really looking for a miracle, but
> I know that I used to live in the same area and got around 3mbit, until
> it dropped to 2mbit. eventually suddenly shifting to 1mbit one day.
> Thanks, Gord.

Just want to say thanks for the info all, I'll be sure to follow up if i
come up with any magic bullets to get round this :)

Gordon Allott
Canonical Ltd.
27 Floor, Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP

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