On 05/05/10 09:37, Dianne Reuby wrote:
> I'm confused - I've read about the min/max/close buttons being moved,
> and I was quite happy, soon got used to it. But I changed to another
> theme and they're back on the right.
> Is it just that 10.04 is using some legacy themes which haven't been
> updated? (These are in the pre-installed set, I haven't added any
> myself).

Theme clearlooks will revert the windows button to the right hand 
side. I prefer this although if I further, after this, I  customise to 
get 'colours'  as Ambiance, for example, I get 'modern' colours and 
buttons but on the RHS.

I understand that the legacy 'Human' theme (8.04) is still available 
to install from repos, if wanted, I was tempted, but Clearlooks, with 
a little customisation seems ok for me.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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