On 26/04/10 15:08, Markie wrote:
> [...]
> Im going to be doing exactly the same thing, I wasnt sure about 64 bit
> since I only have 2GB but it seems to make better sense

Hello, Markie.

I'm running the 10.04-rc-desktop-amd64 in 2GiB on my Asus A6K laptop: 
I've just upgraded to the rc today: I've been tracking the alpha/beta 
releases, but decided to do a clean install from a USB stick today to 
get rid of the junk that I've accumulated during all the upgrades ;-)

>     I use the usual applications (Firefox, Chrome, Thunderbird OpenOffice
>     etc.) and I also need Mysql/Apache/PHP, and I normally use Netbeans as
>     my IDE. I was intending to use Virtualbox to host the VMs.
> Im using virtualbox for a XP image occasionally, I wonder if a image
> created under a 32bit virtual box will be portable to a 64bit virtual box?

Virtual box doesn't execute the image, it runs the CPU's 'supervisor' 
commands: The VB 'images' are just containers for virtual filesystems 
containing the code. The 'guest' OS's are independent of the 'host' OS.

>     I have looked on the Ubuntu wiki and forum for any advice or things to
>     watch out for, but I was wondering if anyone had
>     recommendations/comments before I make the move.  I will be installing
>     it in an additional partition, so I will still be able to boot into my
>     32 bit installation (9.04) as a fall back
> I will be installing onto a physically separate HDD connected via a USB
> caddy for a couple of weeks just to make sure nothing goes wrong, then
> i'll go for it. I suppose a partition means that you dont have to lug
> around a seperate drive if you travel a lot. Make sure any VPN
> applications work ok.[...]

I've been running with /home on a USB drive for a while too, deciding if 
I should upgrade to ext4 - Decided I would do that today + OK so far!

> One word of warning if you do install to a external drive it is possible
> to screw up grub on your main drive, I did it, dont know how, but
> managed to stumble through the recovery. Next time I will slide out the
> internal hard drive and do the install with the USB drive then just to
> be absolutely sure.

Well, it's because the BIOS tells GRUB what it thinks the disks are 
while the USB disk is still connected...

I'm still not able to get Thunderbird running 'Lightning' in 64-bit, 
though - Anyone else succeeded? I've installed the ia32 libraries.

I'm still undecided about Evolution, but at least the Calendar works!


Dr. A.J.Travis, University of Aberdeen, Rowett Institute of Nutrition
and Health, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK
tel +44(0)1224 712751, fax +44(0)1224 716687, http://www.rowett.ac.uk
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