On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Stephen Garton
<sheepeating...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 April 2010 10:28, Jon Spriggs <j...@spriggs.org.uk> wrote:
>> Is it something that appears across the top bar of the screen,
>> reducing commands down by typing in a few letters? If so, again, I
>> don't recall the package name, but it was in use in the "Cruncheee"
>> release of Crunchbang... so we can probably identify it from that.
> Sounds like the one. any Cruncheee users on the list that can help
> with a package name?

If I hadn't been somewhat distracted, I'd have worked my google-fu a
bit harder, but now I'm off that particular call... so, googling:
cruncheee launcher

First result has: Cruncheee includes the excellent (in my opinion)
dmenu application launcher. Simply press Alt+F3 and start typing.
Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs


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