Is it something that appears across the top bar of the screen,
reducing commands down by typing in a few letters? If so, again, I
don't recall the package name, but it was in use in the "Cruncheee"
release of Crunchbang... so we can probably identify it from that.

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Stephen Garton
<> wrote:
> Good Morning All,
> I have been using gnome-do for some time for all my launching needs,
> but since upgrading to Lucid it has caused me nothing but pain - and
> as of this morning it will not start, or allow me to use apport to
> report bugs with it! Does anyone have any recommendations for other
> launcher programs, preferably from the repositories? I seem to
> remember one from a few years ago that sat on the gnome panel and was
> accessed using Alt+F3, but I can't remember what it was called now...
> TIA,
> Steve Garton
> --


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