Because it's almost certainly your friends we're after rather than you.

Don't take that the wrong way, you're brilliant! Your love for free and open source software has helped make a great distro of Ubuntu and we know you're routinely getting friends interested in the project and using Ubuntu. We'd like to see how some of the less technical, recently converted find Ubuntu.

We're looking for:

- General computer users
- _NOT_ daily Ubuntu users
- _DO_ use IM a lot
- _DO_ live in or around London and can make an hour long session next week Monday - Friday in office hours.

If you think you know someone please do pass this on. We're offering £40 cash incentives for people who take part. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch!

toodleoo, Iain

Iain Farrell
Project Manager - Design Team
Canonical UK Ltd.


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