2009/10/27 Philip Stubbs <phi...@stuphi.co.uk>:
> 2009/10/21 James Milligan <lak...@lake54.com>:
>> Did anyone else watch BBC News this morning?
>> Whilst showing off Windows 7, the tech correspondent showed a Mac with
>> Safari open on ubuntu.com
>> Didn't actually mention the name etc, but said about other OSes.
>> James
> I have not had time to read it yet,
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8326264.stm?ls

It's good. There's a 3 minute interview with someone from Canonical.
Would have been nicer if it'd been a little bit longer. They just
about explained what open source was and gave a tour of the OS. It was
also mentioned that you couldn't run Windows or Mac OS programs on it,
but didn't mention that there are usually equivalent programs
available (while it's a good thing to say, I don't remember such a big
emphasis when Macs are discussed). Unfortunately, I think Ubuntu
looked a little sad on screen compared to the latest shiney Windows
release; I'm looking forward to an improved default theme and a revamp
of Gnome.

I'm thinking we should invite BBC people to the many launch parties
that are happening this week! Theydo  seem to be really trying to be
balanced and informative.


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