> > I suppose it is possible that one or other of the items plugged into the
> > hub may be the cause of the problem but I wondered if anyone could be
> > kind enough to comment.
> >
> The quick and easy test for that is to yank everything except the card 
> reader..

I pulled the lot out and still the card reader icon did not appear
neither did a window open nor a message appear. There was a little red
light on the card reader which flashed for a while, stopped and then
started again.
> Another thing to do is see what messages appear in System ->
> Administration -> Log File Viewer, at the point when you plug it in.
> This may indicate what the problem is.

I had a look at the sys log but it might just as well have been in
Martian or some other esoteric language. I am just an ignorant user not
an interpreter of Ubunterese and, as far as I am concerned, a piece of
kit works or it doesn't. This particular piece of kit works on one
computer but not on another, both are running the same operating system
and have a very similar specification. 

Now, will someone please hold my hand and show me the way to make things
happen the way I expect them to.



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