I don't know why anybody would want the Windows Safari look at all,
it's all battleship grey and quite lacking in any of the beauty of
either Compiz or Vista Aero.

My advice is to give up trying to get Safari running on Ubuntu and
instead go and see a psychiatrist... he may be able to cure you of the
conditioning Steve Jobs's henchman have clearly performed on you...

Sorry, that was a joke...

Seriously, I tried to install Safari under wine a while back and had
little success at all.  I suspect Apple have put all sorts of things
in there to check OS integrity or whatever... after all, OS-X is about
the only operating system I know of that you can't run in a VM.  Apple
seem paranoid about controlling what folks can and cannot do with
their software, when they do "free" it is most definitely as in beer,
not as in freedom.  In my opinion Apple are about as far removed
philosophically from the Open Source Movement as it comes... they put
Microsoft to shame... and that is why I would rather avoid anything to
do with them.



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