Hi folks,

A couple of us our local LUG have got an event coming up in the next 
couple of weeks (well two in fact, one in a couple of weeks and one in 
about a month's time.  Now I have a few Ubuntu CDs from Canonical which 
we're hoping to distribute to visitors but I was wondering if anyone had 
any flyers which could be distributed alongside them?

I remember a couple of years back there was a nice colourful leaflet 
which had a 'Windows XP' like background on it, in fact I have about 5 
of these from my Ubuntu events kit (basically a load of Ubuntu CDs and 
bits and pieces) and I'd love to print some more but I haven't got the 
original files anymore.

I just wondered if anyone had any material?

While I think about it too, I had another idea.  If we're going to be 
giving away multiple CDs and leaflets (say Ubuntu, OpenDisc etc) then 
wouldn't it be great to provide a bag to put them all in?

Well I thought, rather than paying for plastic bags, how about using 
paper bags.  On doing some searching I found this... 

It looks like it's possible to buy white paper bags (like what small 
independent newsagents and fruit shops may use) for a few quid for 
1000.  I thought it might be possible to put these through a printer (at 
least an inkjet, maybe even a laser) and print the Ubuntu or Tux logo on 
them.  I figured that 21 x 21 cm bags then we could fit a couple of CDs 
and a couple of A5 or A4 folded leaflets in there.  I am tempted to buy 
a pack although it's a shame that they don't seem to do small sample 
packs of say 5 bags just to try (I'd rather not buy 1,000 and find they 
aren't any use).



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