Dean Sas wrote in gmane.linux.ubuntu.user.british 
> David M wrote:
>> However, 9.04 has removed the Logout/Shutdown options from the System
>> menu in GNOME, meaning that I have no alternative now but to use the 
>> newish logout menu (that was introduced in 8.10, I think).
> If you remove the quit applet then you should get the menu items back in
> the System menu.

Thanks for that advice. I'm not sure if I'll do that (yet?), as the
quit applet does look kinda purty.. ;-)

> I think the idea is that it is confusing to have shutdown options from
> the "quit" applet and in the System menu. That doesn't make sense to me
> - application launchers are available in multiple places as are mounted
> volumes.

Hmm, I agree that does seem a pretty silly policy. I gather that kind of 
thing is very typically 'GNOME', however.. :-(

I wonder if I should file a bug/feature-request..

David M.  Edinburgh, Scotland. ---- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
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