On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:14 PM, norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to run a windows application, which will not run under wine, in
> Ubuntu 8.04. There appear to be a number of techniques and I would be
> grateful for suggestions as to the most reliable, in your opinion.
> Thank you.
> Norman

Hi Norman, I run VirtualBox and have installed a working copy of
WindowsXP.  you can then install the windows application in the
windows machine.

You can either get it through the repositories; "sudo apt-get install
virtualbox-ose" or you can download it from www.virtualbox.org (better
to go with the open source edition via the repositories)

>From there it is pretty self explanatory and if I remember correctly
the wizard is comprehensive.  You will of course need a windows CD and

I have a video on my site of it running
(http://www.ilovemylinux.com/node/25 - sorry, pimping my own website
:-) )

Michael Fletcher

Visit my website here - http://www.mgfletcher.com/blog
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