2008/6/25 Steve Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> Audacity? Which also has a slider to playback slowly, so you can play at
>> 0.8x speed which may be easier.
>> Cheers,
>> Al.
> Thanks.  I'll get it installed now.
> Steve

I have made start.


Having never done this before, I have discovered a few things. I have
no idea who is talking most of the time. I think I can recognize
Alan's voice, thanks to watching some of his screen casts.

People say 'um' lots! I think it is worth dropping all these 'ums' and
even the occasional comment if it does not add anything to the text.
For example, during the introductions, each presenter says 'hello'
after their name. I did not think that was worth having in the

Audacity is quite useful. I would set the selection for a ten second
repeat, and play it over and over until I had it all down. Then I
would move on to the next ten seconds.

This is a slow process!

The wiki page has a table on it. Please update it if you have started
doing anything to save anybody else starting the same segment.

Philip Stubbs


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