>----Original Message----
>Date: 12/03/2008 12:00 
>To: <ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
>Subj: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 35, Issue 27
>Send ubuntu-uk mailing list submissions to
>       ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
>Any possible help requested.
I have been a windows user (no hoper) for ten 
years+ I started when it didnt have version 
My Ubuntu (Gutsy) takes 15 minutes to boot with 
hundreds of errors and "not fixing automatically" 

Where should I go for help.  

is there a Ubuntu for windows users help file?

Keith R. Armstrong-Bridges. CITP. MBCS
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide 
Web, visit
>       https://lists.ubuntu.
>or, via email, send a message with subject or 
body 'help' to
>You can reach the person managing the list at
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so 
it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-uk digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  [Marketing] How to increase OSS 
Exposure (Chris Rowson)
>   2. Re:  Ubuntu Demo Day (Rob Beard)
>   3. Re:  Upgrade to Hardy: Fail! (James 
>   4. Re:  Ubuntu Demo Day (Dianne Reuby)
>   5. Re:  If you had a wiki, which wiki would 
you wiki with?
>      (Dave Murphy)
>   6. Re:  Ubuntu Demo Day (Rob Beard)
>   7. Re:  Upgrade to Hardy: Fail! (Stephen 
>   8. Re:  Music to your ears, something new 
for the UK (Alistair Crust)
>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:55:56 +0000
>From: "Chris Rowson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] [Marketing] How to 
increase OSS Exposure
>To: "British Ubuntu Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>I think that marketing Ubuntu and FOSS together 
mightn't always be the
>best way to move forward.
>I've written about this before, and I know it's 
an unpopular view, but
>sometimes I think that people who might be 
interested in Ubuntu might
>be a bit put off by open source evangelism.
>Sometimes I think we have to pick our battles. 
It might be a case of
>getting someone into Ubuntu first, then getting 
them into the concepts
>of FOSS once they have taken 'the bait' of 
>Message: 2
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 21:59:44 +0000
>From: Rob Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Demo Day
>To: British Ubuntu Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; 
>Dianne Reuby wrote:
>> Just to confirm the demo day is set for April 
26, from 10 til 4. The
>> website has been a severe pain in the 
posterior for ages, and the newish
>> CMS just don't want to work right! It's 
embarrassing for a computer
>> museum, but there it is. If anyone wants the 
alternative activities
>> sheet for partners and families, do email me 
direct and I'll send it out
>> as we can't seem to add to the site at the 
>> Dianne Reuby
>> Collections Manager
>> Museum of Computing @ Swindon
>> http://www.museum-of-computing.org.uk
>Hi Dianne,
>I'm going to mention the Ubuntu Demo Day in our 
local LUG mailing list. 
>  I just wondered how close the University is 
to Swindon Railway Station?
>What I'm thinking is First Great Western are 
advertising cheap advanced 
>tickets for rail travel, and since I got 
completely lost on the way back 
>from the Challenge Santa day (stupid Sat Nav, 
even more stupid driver!), 
>I figured a train might be the easy option (and 
it saves a few of us 
>DCLugers driving up in 2 or 3 cars or getting a 
>Message: 3
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 22:11:24 +0000
>From: James Westby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrade to Hardy: 
>To: ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
>Content-Type: text/plain
>On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 20:45 +0000, Stephen 
Garton wrote:
>> Evening all,
>> I wanted to help log bugs etc in Hardy, but 
have hit a bit of a snag-
>> I can't do anything apart from boot into 
recovery mode from grub! If I
>> choose(or let grub choose) the default 
kernel, I get nothing.
>> I can manually start up eth0 from the 
recovery console, is there any
>> way I can downgrade to gutsy from the command 
>Thanks for trying to help. I'm sorry it's not 
going well for you
>so far.
>The error messages that you get before being 
dropped in to the shell
>would help us to diagnose the problem and try 
and fix it. Can you
>transcribe at least the last few lines in to an 
>Also, it may be a kernel issue, do you have 
other kernels still
>available in the grub menu?
>Message: 4
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 22:21:43 +0000
>From: Dianne Reuby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Demo Day
>To: British Ubuntu Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>Hi Rob,
>The Uni is about 20 minutes by bus - the main 
departure/arrival point is
>about a 5 minute walk from the station. Our 
buses don't give change, so
>you need the exact fare - adult single is ?1, 
return ?1.90 to Oakfield
>There are always taxis at the station - I think 
the fare is about ?5,
>but I can check on that for you if you want.
>Let me know if you need more details,
>On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 21:59 +0000, Rob Beard 
>> Dianne Reuby wrote:
>> > Just to confirm the demo day is set for 
April 26, from 10 til 4. The
>> > website has been a severe pain in the 
posterior for ages, and the newish
>> > CMS just don't want to work right! It's 
embarrassing for a computer
>> > museum, but there it is. If anyone wants 
the alternative activities
>> > sheet for partners and families, do email 
me direct and I'll send it out
>> > as we can't seem to add to the site at the 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Dianne Reuby
>> > Collections Manager
>> > Museum of Computing @ Swindon
>> > http://www.museum-of-computing.org.uk
>> Hi Dianne,
>> I'm going to mention the Ubuntu Demo Day in 
our local LUG mailing list. 
>>   I just wondered how close the University is 
to Swindon Railway Station?
>> What I'm thinking is First Great Western are 
advertising cheap advanced 
>> tickets for rail travel, and since I got 
completely lost on the way back 
>> from the Challenge Santa day (stupid Sat Nav, 
even more stupid driver!), 
>> I figured a train might be the easy option 
(and it saves a few of us 
>> DCLugers driving up in 2 or 3 cars or getting 
a mini-bus).
>> Rob
>Message: 5
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:35:09 +0000
>From: Dave Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] If you had a wiki, 
which wiki would you wiki
>       with?
>To: ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>On Thu, 6 Mar 2008 17:17:35 +0000
>Dave Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I ended going with DokuWiki. Not 100% happy 
with it, but it installed
>> a helluva lot easier than Moin!
>I doubt anyone will care, but I've now switched 
to Moin. I actually
>prefer the features of DokuWiki, but the vast 
majority of wikis I
>interact with use Moin, so having a common 
syntax is much easier.
>Dave Murphy - http://schwuk.com
>Get in touch - http://schwuk.com/contact
>Message: 6
>Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:48:41 +0000
>From: Rob Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Demo Day
>To: British Ubuntu Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; 
>Dianne Reuby wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> The Uni is about 20 minutes by bus - the main 
departure/arrival point is
>> about a 5 minute walk from the station. Our 
buses don't give change, so
>> you need the exact fare - adult single is ?1, 
return ?1.90 to Oakfield
>> Campus.
>> There are always taxis at the station - I 
think the fare is about ?5,
>> but I can check on that for you if you want.
>> Let me know if you need more details,
>> Dianne
>> On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 21:59 +0000, Rob Beard 
>>> Dianne Reuby wrote:
>>>> Just to confirm the demo day is set for 
April 26, from 10 til 4. The
>>>> website has been a severe pain in the 
posterior for ages, and the newish
>>>> CMS just don't want to work right! It's 
embarrassing for a computer
>>>> museum, but there it is. If anyone wants 
the alternative activities
>>>> sheet for partners and families, do email 
me direct and I'll send it out
>>>> as we can't seem to add to the site at the 
>>>> Dianne Reuby
>>>> Collections Manager
>>>> Museum of Computing @ Swindon
>>>> http://www.museum-of-computing.org.uk
>Okay thanks Dianne,
>I think I'll check about a mini-bus too if 
there's enough interest in 
>our local LUG.
>Message: 7
>Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:11:46 +0000
>From: "Stephen Garton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrade to Hardy: 
>To: "British Ubuntu Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Morning all,
>On 11/03/2008, James Westby 
>>  The error messages that you get before being 
dropped in to the shell
>>  would help us to diagnose the problem and 
try and fix it. Can you
>>  transcribe at least the last few lines in to 
an email?
>I'm not getting any error messages, as far as I 
can tell. If I choose
>a 'normal' kernal in Grub, I just get a black 
screen. Selecting a
>recovery mode takes me to a root recovery 
shell. When typing 'exit'
>into the shell (a command which would normally 
continue the boot
>process in my experience) I get the same black 
>>  Also, it may be a kernel issue, do you have 
other kernels still
>>  available in the grub menu?
>I do have other kernels, but have the same 
problems with all.
>Rob Beard Wrote:
>>Does it get as far as the login screen?
>It didn't... (see below for updated progress)
>>I had a bit of an issue with an ATI video card 
on Ubuntu 7.10 where it
>>tried to put the monitor in a resolution that 
wasn't supported by my
>It a laptop with integrated Intel card.
>>Just a thought too, you could always try re-
configuring X with the command:
>>X -configure
>Update- I had tried to sort with dpkg-
reconfigure xserver-xorg from
>the recovery console (not heard of x-configure 
before) so I reverted
>to a backup of xorg.conf from before upgrading. 
I can now get to GDM.
>It also seems it was not mounting my /home 
partition on boot, so I
>have now editing /etc/fstab by hand from 
UUID=blahblah back to 'the
>way it used to be back in the day' i.e. 
/dev/sda2. /home now gets
>However, once I get to grub, the touchpad (or 
USB mouse if plugged in)
>doesn't respond, and after typing in my user 
name and password,
>nothing happens after the boxes are greyed out.
>I think I've junked it, but would still like to 
try to downgrade if it
>is possible. Things are backed up, and /home is 
on a separate
>partition anyway.
>Help still appreciated,
>Steve Garton
>Message: 8
>Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:10:11 +0000
>From: Alistair Crust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Music to your ears, 
something new for the UK
>To: British Ubuntu Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Message-ID: <1205320211.29814.46.
>Content-Type: text/plain
>On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 19:03 +0000, alan c 
>> Alan Pope wrote:
>> [...]
>> I really like the idea of a Ubuntu-UK 
podcast, I cannot listen to it 
>> yet and am looking forward to it.
>> The main issue here seems to be one of people 
identifying with 
>> Ubuntu-UK yet feeling alienated from a UK 
branded, creative, event. In 
>> saying this I emphasise that this does not 
mean I believe that they 
>> either were, or were not, alienated.
>> > In my opinion we had a common consensus 
"Ubuntu-UK should make a podcast". 
>> I have no problem with this, I did not follow 
its discussion anyway. I 
>> am also ok if a bunch of people who want to, 
and who can, actually get 
>> to do it and do not wait for greater 
authority, other comments, whatever.
>> However, there might have been advantage in a 
pre publication 'press 
>> release' say, when more than half way through 
the process. If 
>> resources were available, a few Q&A and 
comments. This would have 
>> enabled some others to identify with the 
activity rather than later 
>> being taken unawares. Pre-pub press release 
or similar with the 
>> intention to inform is useful in a dispersed 
group to assist in 
>> cohesion. Such a press release does not 
invite creative feeback or 
>> review, just informs of actions and impending 
events. This can 
>> strengthen the self confidence of the wider 
>> Surprises are almost always of negative 
effect and if they can avoided 
>> all the better. If the surprise is 
intentional, (hopefully not), then 
>> the motives need review I suggest.
>> I look forward to more podcasts. FWIW the 
only podcast I (previously) 
>> listened to is the linux action show.
>> -- 
>> alan cocks
>> Kubuntu user#10391
>Motives and politics aside the whole "surprise" 
thing and the posts by
>Chris Rowson (and subsequent discussion) have 
(and slightly counter
>intuitively some may say) actually been 
constructive and helped. My
>reasoning is this:
>What are we all talking about now.... Ubuntu-UK 
podcast!, that's what.
>That in itself has raised awareness of its 
existence and can only be a
>good thing in my opinion.
>Secondly Chris's posts, the discussion that has 
evolved and the issue of
>inclusion and open discussion of the project. 
This has, as I see it, had
>an affect that people who may not have 
expressed opinion are feeling
>compelled to write posts (I include myself in 
this being a rather quiet
>member of late), give praise, comments, 
suggestions etc etc... aka "Get
>Involved". This too can only be a good thing in 
my opinion and would not
>have happened without "the surprise" triggering 
his posts.
>At this point though I would like to make an 
analogy. if you follow what
>is meant then great, if you don't then 
congratulations you've just seen
>an insight into my very odd mind.
>Alcohol.. drink just a little can be a good 
thing, carry on drinking and
>people do stupid things and/or pass-out 
(amongst other things). As I see
>it it's the same with complaining about things 
past! So I call to put
>complaining aside and concentrate on the walk 
back home to the nice warm
>I believe no harm is done, the project has been 
realised AND people have
>been told about it an asked for comments, 
sugestions... to help.
>I would like to point out though in Chris's 
defence had that not
>happened (the project remaining closed for 
assistance) then I think he
>would have had a fully valid point. That 
however "didn't" happen so is a
>mute point in this instance.
>So now the project is running and "open" lets 
move to helping out "now"
>rather than spending our efforts debating the 
finer points of "then". I
>plan on doing my bit by promoting the podcast 
within our school and
>possibly getting the kids to do reviews and 
>Kind regards
>Alistair Crust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Systems Administrator
>Skegness Grammar School
>Vernon Road
>Tel: 01754610000
>ubuntu-uk mailing list
>End of ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 35, Issue 27

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