davisjo wrote:
> Morning All,
>                  I have down loaded the Fldigi program from a web 
> site. This is a digital radio decoder for radio hams. The file is a 
> bin.tar.gz file, now resident on my desktop.
> I have unzipped it using the tar -xvzf /filename bin tar .gz/
> I have used the cd /filename/ and the ./configure, make , sudo make 
> install, mostly the response is this is /not a directory/. I am sorry 
> for not giving you the actual response as the computer is in the radio 
> shack at another location and there is no printer attached.
> My desktop is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Desktop, obviously I am not entering the 
> correct file string. Can some one help me with the dialogue I need to 
> enter.
> I have also downloaded some amateur radio stuff using synaptic, now I 
> cannot find the downloads. What do I have to do to install and create 
> a desktop icon ?
> I am sorry to be so demanding but this is the area I do not understand 
> properly.
> Many thanks for any help,
> John Davis
> --
> This email has been verified as Virus free
> Virus Protection and more available at http://www.plus.net
HI John..
    If it is of interest to you I have found the latest morse tutor from 
g4fon runs well in wine

  Ted Wager G3TPI
   High Peak UK
   Using Ubuntu Gutsy Linux


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