Hi Alec,

On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 11:47 +0000, Alec Wright wrote:
> Is anyone using Hardy yet? Am I right in thinking that it will be fairly
> stable, because Hardy's gonna be an LTS release? I used gutsy since the
> feisty release, so am i likely to be able to use hardy?

The Hardy repository isn't open yet.The Ubuntu Developer Summit is
currently running where the specifications for the next release are
being discussed. Then there is the Canonical All Hands event and some
time during/after than the Hardy repository will open.

During the early stages of the life of an Ubuntu release there will be
massive updates as packages are brought in from upstream (Debian and
upstream non-Debian). At this stage things can be very very hairy. I
personally wouldn't run Hardy until the first cuts of the isos are


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