On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, STONE COLD wrote:
> > I was wondering how i could utilize this lcd screen in Ubuntu?
> just found out its a VFD screen...not a LCD screen!

The actual technology of the display shouldn't matter (VFD, LCD, LED,
TFT).  When I last looked into these displays they were generally controlled
via a serial port (which will likely appear via an internal USD cable).

Once you have the serial port, it probably show up under Linux as:


or a similar name with USB.  Generally they take a stream of text data, with
high-bytes [beyond the normal ASCII range] being used for control commands;
such as to clear the display.  Sometimes the display can handle font
downloads or even bitmap data.  The simplist test command is likely:

  echo Hello World | sudo tee -a /dev/ttyUSB0

The next step is to find a daemon that will take information from your
system (temperature, uptime, SCOX stock price), format the information and
submit the complete printed line to the display at regular intervals.

These guys are one of the well-known suppliers:


>From a quick 'apt-cache search', daemons for running under Linux and
controlling the attached LCD display module would be:

  gpsim-lcd - LCD module for gpsim
  gpsim-lcd-graphic - LCD module for gpsim
  lcd4linux - Grabs information and displays it on an external lcd
  lcdproc - LCD display driver daemon and clients
  procmeter3 - graphical system status monitor
  mgm - A highly configurable, very gaudy system load meter

It might be that somebody else has more recent experience;  'lcdproc' rings
a bell somewhere in my mind as being familiar.

Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Helsinki, FI


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