Robin Hall wrote:
> I have downloaded the latest version of Skype but after I have typed in 
> my password and clicked on "Sign in" I get the following error message, 
> "Database failure".  But, not every time.  Sometimes I actually do get 
> "signed in" and am able to use Skype.
> I have put my problem to Skype but I am fobbed off with a reply that the 
> problem is covered in their FAQs.  Not that I can  find it there.
>  I expect with some 8 million customers it will take a very small 
> proportion of them to email a query to swamp their customer services.
> Any suggestions?

Hello, Robin.

Are you a paying customer?

Remember that Skype2Skype is 'free' (as in beer), so it's unrealistic to 
expect much support if (like me) you're not paying them: However, it has 
to be said that everyone using Skype is 'paying' in kind for 'free' S2S 
because Skype uses *all* connections, including 'free' ones to transfer 
data on a peer2peer basis and your broadband is relaying other people's 
phone connections ;-)

Best wishes,

Dr. A.J.Travis,                     |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rowett Research Institute,          |
Greenburn Road, Bucksburn,          |   phone:+44 (0)1224 712751
Aberdeen AB21 9SB, Scotland, UK.    |     fax:+44 (0)1224 716687


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