I thought it'd be interesting to find out what it is that impresses
new non-techie users the most about Ubuntu.

For people who are 'into' IT it may be engineering, adaptability or
the politics of FOSS. For the large majority though it's likely to be
something quite different.

I hope that this information will help us sell Ubuntu more effectively
and help focus in on some themes that can be included in future
marketing campaigns (like the leaflet suggestion for instance).

Here's my example.

Like many IT folks, I'm the unpaid tech support to an array of family
and friends. Anyone who comes to me wanting a basic desktop (ie - who
doesn't want to play computer games) gets Ubuntu.

What has surprised me is that the most commented on feature of Ubuntu
from the perspective of the non-technical user is the add/remove
programs menu option. People seem to be very impressed that they can
simply click a button and quality software appears for free, ready to
use on their computer.

Surely more can be made of this to punt the feature to new potential users....

Any other examples ?



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