Personally, I think there's something that everyone needs to do before they start talking up Linux.
MS has a huge marketing warchest and it's marketing has been highly influential. We can talk to people till we're orange and brown in the face but, once they leave the conversation, they're vulnerable to blind Linux critics who know little but influence a lot. To most people, Linux is a world away from where they are, but we can't bridge the gap if the people and organisations who thrive on it aren't thought of in context - substantially - but without the excesses of zealotry. Even though we might be aware of the situation, to cope with MS's misinformation on others, I think we need to educate people about it, make them feel like they've been maltreated, and why MS has felt it has had to do this. I.e., no talk of 'evil empires' (doesn't everyone eventually grow out of that?), but a calm consideration of MS's business model, along with plenty of talk about origins, aims and necessity. What gave birth to MS? Why did Microsoft target, and think it needed to target, users for misinformation? When people pronounce that Linux is crap, they need to be tackled in a way that makes them realise that they've been treated as a pretty minor element in the food chain, with scant regard for their credibility in the company of those who are better informed. If you then need to address the specifics, how many specific facts do we need that our software's better? The problem with these people isn't that they're any more stupid that anyone else - I don't think anyone could seriously say that they've never been influenced by propaganda. It's that they're not aware enough of it to see that it's a trick that restricts them that they don't have to put up with. Like pretty much anything, I think we've got to be prepared for irrationality, especially with people who see no compelling reason to look at alternatives they have little knowledge of to start with. Most people are 'stuck' with Windows 'because'. But irrationality isn't something we're immune to. I agree with Mark's scepticism about 'free'. I'd be interested - and this applies to everyone - in research into what British people really think about such concepts, beyond what we hope we think (we might be better at adapting our messages if we knew this). Even though I'm not anti-marketing, it's a bit ironic that we're talking about enlightening people through the very discipline that sought to establish an irrational link between quality and cost, so that in a superficial cost argument 'free' can still too easily be associated with inferiority or secrecy ('no such thing as a free lunch'). I'm not anti-marketing because I think it can help with the antidote. With 'freedom', though, there's just as much irrationality. Some people who make substantial claims to favour it aren't even aware that such claims run counter to what they're really like as people, suggesting that their passion for OSS isn't as reliable as it seems. A Linux-using guy I know is paranoid that his girlfriend is always having oral sex with just about everyone (and I've had to endure the 'evidence'), so he gets over-protective when there's a male around. I sat in his house the other day, with his girlfriend there, and he was getting increasingly insecure (especially when I started flirting with her because he was just getting on my nerves). Then the conversation got to installing a different version of Linux on her laptop. Nothing I could do in terms of a logical argument, though, without getting kicked out of the house. The choice is between Ubuntu and Slackware. Logically, Ubuntu 7.04 is the better choice for her because she's a novice and could do with, IMHO, the most usable release there's been, backed up with a brilliant community that's all too willing to help people like her make the most of the experience. Psychologically, though, Slackware is the solution to flashbacks that never were, and mustn't be. Result: Slackware. In the past, I'd easily persuaded them to install a previous version of Ubuntu, primarily for usability. But, now the paranoia's crept in to become a big part of the relationship, this isn't any longer a rational decision - it's a power one. I couldn't ask her what she wanted because of the position this would have put her in and I don't think she really gives a toss. He couldn't ask her, because he's trying to be a man. No matter what the technical arguments are, it's got nothing to do with the distro, so arguing about this was a waste of time. The choice is merely a means by which he can position himself as the provider by using information and power to sustain and increase dependence. Remember those cavemen clubbing women? It's a bit like that. This guy uses Linux because of its geek chic - the quality of the OS is incidental. If geeks were singing Windows, it's back to Bill. Regardless of the arguments he's put about 'free' this and that, he's full of it. Few of us are purists, but he believes in freedoms as much as I believe in fairies at the bottom of my garden. His behaviour is no different to companies like MS who, we know from the debates on freedom and marketing, try to use their knowledge and the public's general lack of it, to position consumers, businesses and governments in a dependent role, with a multitude of methods in place to sustain and protect that relationship. Telling this Linux-user about the mistakes he's making - and I have - won't change much because they're so fundamental to his way of life. Informing this girlfriend of what's going on might hasten the ending of the relationship as disastrously as his previous one ended because change is unlikely and because he's making the same mistakes of trying to be ever more controlling as the relationship becomes ever more predictable and self-centred. Sound familiar? Sooner or later she's more likely to recognise a theme running through pretty much every aspect of their relationship, just like her predecessor did, and realise that there's a better life on offer. My guess is that this will happen after a few years because she'll eventually question the direction of her life and decide that she wants to live a better one with less headaches, not one where someone else is trying to limit it to compensate for their own inadequacies. It's possible she might want to stay with him, but who wants to be Bill Gates' Mom? If anyone does, the chances are they wouldn't for long. In other words, awareness chips away at the foundations of any faulty relationship. More BS loses its power once that process is in place. MS can't change fundamentally, but users need to appreciate that they only feel dependent irrationally. And that they're even paying for the privilege! But can people do this without being aware of the underlying situation in a context where we aren't hardwired to reassess? I can't see how. How, also, can we get the message across without preaching and boring people to death? I don't know. But if we can pull it off, are we going to be effective enough to get them to reject misinformation in a productive way, even if it isn't exactly what we want? People have got some responsibility for sure, but I ignore the fact that the info's out there, because you can't expect people to know everything about everything they do - even though I think I've made a good choice, I'm certainly no Linux or Windows expert. Their media's at fault, for sure. How many people make heavy use of the BBC in this country? How much has the BBC spent over the years 'persuading' people of the legitimacy of the license fee by lauding the 'quality' of its journalism? But it isn't just the media. It's also a lot to do with MS and the methods it lives by. But, when even MS's file systems are f*****, what aren't we doing right? I've been more successful with people when I've got them to appreciate how this relationship works before promoting the virtues of OSS and Linux (obviously introducing them to OSS within Windows helps, and I'm much more concise offline!). Getting people to the stage where they're better able to assess information should mean that they remain highly sceptical of the quality of MS systems and marketing when they go online and listen to other people with other ways of doing things. When someone walks away from an effective conversation with one of us, they should be better able to appreciate information about operating systems and software, about Linux and the Open Source model. Then they'll be better able to adapt to it, without misinformation getting in the way. Give people the wherewithal to be more alert to the reasons for and the tricks of persuasion in IT, that have established the prominence of a set of bogus arguments, and the job's half done. Or so I reckon, because this is just based on my experience of speaking with people in an informal setting. Other contexts might give me some pointers to improve this, but I can't benefit if only Mark's posting his detailed experiences. The good thing, though, is that there's so many people trying different things. -------- If you've read all this, fair play to you! Enjoy the Bank Hols ;) --