Hi Jonathan, I agree but I think the problem is wider than just us isn't
it....I'm concerned that non-groupy types....like most of the ordinary world
should be able to access Ubuntu and other OSS
and know that there is exactly the same expert support available as there is
for Windows etc. Caroline

On 29/01/07, Jonathan Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't been following the list too closely lately but I've just a
quick look through some of the comments about this subject. I hope
this hasn't already been said but I'd suggest people join their local
LUG! I've found the people in mine to be very helpful and are quite
willing to come and meet you somewhere if you have a problem which
face to face help would be good for - usually they suggest for the
cost of a pint!!

I guess what I was saying is face to face support, from my experience,
is readily available for a pint and a nice social situation!



London School of Puppetry

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