London School of Puppetry wrote:
> Hi Jonathan, I agree but I think the problem is wider than just us isn't 
> it....I'm concerned that non-groupy most of the ordinary 
> world should be able to access Ubuntu and other OSS
> and know that there is exactly the same expert support available as 
> there is for Windows etc. Caroline

I sympathise, but there is a vast amount of actual expert help for 
linux - free and paid.

Most windows domestic users find a friend for help, or pay a shop.

I am retired, and I could be fully occupied simply administering the 
windows machines of friends.
I used to do this for selected friends. I stopped doing this a while 
ago, and prefer to use my energies is installing linux for them 
(Note1) (where appropriate).

I give phone support (free) if asked, for local contacts.  I am not 
any expert!

When I began with linux a few years ago, I was experienced with online 
use getting help, but found my local LUG of limited value for a number 
of reasons. I like the idea of very local help. Experience to date 
suggests that it is only the very initial questions that need answers, 
reassurance included.

Note 1:
a) elderly (80's) friend is still on dialup, and now has linux and has 
no problems using kmail.
b) another sprightly 85 year old friend, has dual boot kubuntu, and 

It is hard to keep in mind how dependant 'ordinary user' is when first 
wanting linux.

alan c

> On 29/01/07, *Jonathan Roberts* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I haven't been following the list too closely lately but I've just a
>     quick look through some of the comments about this subject. I hope
>     this hasn't already been said but I'd suggest people join their local
>     LUG! I've found the people in mine to be very helpful and are quite
>     willing to come and meet you somewhere if you have a problem which
>     face to face help would be good for - usually they suggest for the
>     cost of a pint!!
>     I guess what I was saying is face to face support, from my experience,
>     is readily available for a pint and a nice social situation!
>     --
> <>
> -- 
> ---
> London School of Puppetry
> <>

Kubuntu user#10391


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