Is anyone else interested in getting a speaker on something like
Metacity's compositing features, the future of desktop-effects in Gnome?
I am not someone who is involved very heavily with Gnome, but I do plan
on attending QUADEC07 for at least a day. I think that this is something
fairly new for them to present on.. Anyone else Agree? Possibly know any
names of people to contact?

Thanks, Alex.

On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 16:35 +0000, Dean Sas wrote:
> More words from our friends at gnome-uk, has anyone got any ideas for 
> people they would like to see as keynote speakers at GUADEC07?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [guadec-list] Key Note Speakers
> Hi all,
> Just a quick reminder to say we had hoped to get a list of possible key
> note speaker suggestions done by the end of December. If anyone has any
> ideas of people they would like to hear speak, please pass names and
> contact details on to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Regards,
> Thomas
> _______________________________________________
> guadec-list mailing list


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