Good morning sales force ( whoops sorry I had my Corporate Head on [1]
). So Im looking at the Approval Page and wanting to add some great links and content to the Page but since this requires detailing the experience and skills of all the members in the Team I am loathe to just copy up other peoples achievements with out some level of team approval ( eat that for Meta you hashlugradio guys ! ). So heres a few things I can identify recently
Alan , I hope im not jumping the Gun on this one but you gave me the impression you like me were out there Self Employed and directly finding new clients and business opportunities, though I notice your not listed in the Marketplace, hint hint. BCF Fairs Ive listed because these genuinely are not part of the Info point idea, because well it developed parrallel to and I never had heard of infopoint stuff, however we provide Ubuntu to returning interested visitors so Id count it in. Linux World Expo should be obvious though it would be nice to link to the Fridge article ( hint hint ) , Screen casts are to me a great example of the motivation and productivity of the team. So thats the things from the very top of my head im sure others here will have different views and experience to add and Id like to know to be able to fill out this part of our Application. The next Community Council meeting ( according to the Fridge Event calendar ) will be the 17th. We need to get this document to Jono by the 13th so this gives us enough time to complete the Expereinces , change public percpetion of free and open source softwre, replace 60% of the Desktop marketshare with Ubuntu oh and solve world hunger, so . no sweat. Your help in this , is very much appreciated. Thank you Nik [1] What no one remembers Worzel Gummidge |