Nik Butler wrote:
> Good morning sales force ( whoops sorry I had my Corporate Head on [1] ).

Just come to mind that I am also in th eubuntu marketing team list
inter list-relationship is going to be relevant I expect.

> So Im looking at the Approval Page and wanting to add some great links
> and content to the Page but since this requires detailing the experience
> and skills of all the members in the Team I am loathe to just copy up
> other peoples achievements with out some level of team approval ( eat
> that for Meta you hashlugradio guys ! ). So heres a few things I can
> identify recently
>       /Screencast: X-Chat/ - Alan Popes Xchat tutorial.

>       /Linux World Expo/ - How the Team motivated to produce content.

>       /BCF Fairs' - Promotion of Ubunutu at British Computer Fairs on a
>       Monthly Basis. /

>       Delivery/ - Members such as AlanPope
>       <> and NikButler
>       <> are already established in the
>       Marketplace  providing support to SMEs /
> Alan , I hope im not jumping the Gun on this one but you gave me the
> impression you like me were out there Self Employed and directly finding
> new clients and business opportunities, though I notice your not listed
> in the Marketplace, hint hint.  BCF Fairs Ive listed because these
> genuinely are not part of the Info point idea, because well it developed
> parrallel to and I never had heard of infopoint stuff,

Infopoint as such is a distro neutral activity, and but the superb
branding and psuedo retail CD packaging means that the focus has
rapidly become k/ubuntu. In this way, Infopoint is a vehicle for
Ubuntu-ukTeam in some of its its objectives, and I support the 'BCF'
listing without specific mention of Infopoint.

In addition, I for one, hand out K/Ubuntu CDs in the local town
variously. The Dixons PC specialist was pleased to receive one and
expected to try it when his current panic was over.......

There is also a local BCS evening talk on the open source software
debate which I plan to attend, and unless specifically forbidden I
will have a bundle of kubuntu CDs and hopefully a laptop on hand when

I have also offered a short article or so to a local Volunteer Agency
newsletter (they had no idea what open source sw was) and also a email
letter to a local paper. I am not sure they were used, but the media
direct information push can certainly become one of our objectives if
not a yet established 'skill'.

> however we
> provide Ubuntu to returning interested visitors so Id count it in. Linux
> World Expo should be obvious though it would be nice to link to the
> Fridge article ( hint hint ) , Screen casts are to me a great example of
> the motivation and productivity of the team.  So thats the things from
> the very top of my head im sure others here will have different views
> and experience to add and Id like to know to be able to fill out this
> part of our Application.
> The next Community Council meeting ( according to the Fridge Event
> calendar )  will be the 17th. We need to get this document to Jono by
> the 13th  so this gives us enough time to complete the Expereinces ,
> change public percpetion of free and open source softwre, replace 60% of
> the Desktop marketshare with Ubuntu oh and solve world hunger, so . no
> sweat.
> Your help in this , is very much appreciated.

I note that we also have defined methods of communication - email,
list, IRC etc, an essential facility for a resource group.

Keep up the great work Nik!

The Firefox buy out of a NewYork TImes page a few years back keeps
resurfacing in my mind. It may not be an isolated UK exclusive
activity, but it would be lovely to move in a similar direction.
alan c


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