Thank you, Gunnar.

Which other packages would you assign a higher priority?

Also, is there any deadline for including new lang packs in new LTS
releases? 2500 seems a lot but doable. I'd rather translate more prominent,
"crucial" packages and get it done for the release of 22.04.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 6:44 PM Gunnar Hjalmarsson <>

> Hi Akbar,
> On 2022-03-03 09:43, Akbarkhon Variskhanov wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I have finished translating packages like ubiquity-desktop, gnome-shell
> > and nautilus. I have two questions:
> >
> >  1. I'd like to test translations for Ubiquity. However, Uzbek isn't
> >     included in the list by default. What am I supposed to do?
> >  2. The Uzbek language pack isn't available. What is required of me to
> >     make it available? There are languages with far less translations in
> >     the list, which hints that the percentage of translated messages
> >     doesn't really matter here.
> For new language packs we apply a 5% threshold, i.e. at least 5% of the
> strings showing up here:
> should be translated. The translation coverage of Uzbek is currently
> 4.2%, so you are rather close. :) Approximately 2,500 more strings to
> translate.
> Once you reach 5%, please ping us again here, and we'll arrange with the
> creation of Uzbek language packs.
> As regards the list in Ubiquity, Uzbek will be added as soon as the
> language packs have been created.
> --
> Rgds,
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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