Am Freitag, den 06.06.2014, 11:47 -0700 schrieb Robert Park:

> > Today we already share many packages on the phone with the general
> > distro and distro people will want to be able to know what's going on
> > with the packages ... the more we work towards convergence the closer
> > these worlds will have to cooperate and info needs to get over the
> > fence, lets design our processes in a way that this is possible ;)
> Yeah, maybe certain projects could elect to forego debian/changelog,
> and simply have a link to the VCS changelog, so that way people who
> want debian/changelog aren't left with nothing, while upstreams don't
> have to duplicate their commit messages... Maybe something like
> this...
so this links to:

emacs-snapshot (0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Dummy changelog used exclusively for launchpad recipe auto builds.
    You might be interested in one of these instead:

 -- Robert Bruce Park <>  Tue, 09 Apr 2013 19:35:50 -0700

How about dropping the "You might be interested ..." and instead have something 

vim (0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

 * Auto generated list of dependency changes from the Ubuntu CI system:
    Added libfoople dependency
   Removed libbar dependency

 * Auto generated changelog entry from the Ubuntu CI system.
    - Commit message of the foo bar branch MP
    - Commit message of the baz branch MP

 -- Oliver Grawert <> Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:16:06 +0200

The first bit would need a tool with a little debdiff magic that scans 
debian/control for added/removed debs 
The second bit would need a generator that automatically adds a branch link 
together with the commit 
message (i suppose we already have something like this running, just not in its 
best setup given the changelog entries i see).

Now if we have a policy that the commit message has to be a *descriptive* one 
to three liner that has to be 
written in a way that other devs understand the change we are set ... this puts 
minimal pressure on the committer 
and reviewer to keep an eye open for proper commit messages but would need some 
work to do proper automation 
for the other bits ...


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