It appeared Carsten had done the conversion for "getting online" (see his mailing to the list), so it is ready for proofreading. Jim, when you have finished proofreading Advanced topics, would you like to do "getting online"?

Op 08-06-12 15:27, Jim Connett schreef:

I can take 'getting online' if no one is doing it.

On Jun 8, 2012 2:14 AM, "Hannie Dumoleyn" < <>> wrote:

    Hi John,
    From the list below, two sections have not yet been converted to
    .tex as far as I know: Getting online and burning cd's. Is someone
    working on these right now?
    I have updated our status spreadsheet; I have added a sheet called
    "12.04 Finished". As you can see, most of chapter 3: working with
    Ubuntu is finished.

    Op 31-05-12 23:02, c7p schreef:

    2012/5/21 John < <>>

        Hello all,

        Kev finished his section i.e the Getting Online and the
        Browsing the Web. These section are in LibreOffice form, in
        other words in odt format, and we need someone to add the
        latex mark up code and push them on the branch, or at least
        to add the mark up. The screenshots are available too !

        Let me know if you are interested !


    Hello ! We've got many sections in LibreOfiice format that need
    to be converted to tex format.
    Here are the sections:

    From Desktop chapter
    *Appearance section (after Nautilus till end of chapter)

    From Working with Ubuntu chapter

    *Viewing and Editing Photos
    *Browsing the web
    *Getting Online
    *Burning CDs and DVDs & Working with LibreOffice

    Most of these sections have little or none changes from oneiric
    version, (ie the current tex files of the sections). These
    sections have to be converted to latex first, *then* the
    proofreading can be start on those. For me it's crucial to have
    them translated ASAP in order to stay in the schedule
    (proofreading, finishing touches) in other words we go steadily
    and smoothly towards to the release of the manual in July,
    without delays and if it's possible before the deadline.

    Let me know via e-mail for which sections you are interested.

    Thank you for your time and energy !


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