On Mon, 29 May 2017 07:00:08 +0000 (UTC), Ηλίας Ηλιάδης wrote:
>The discussion is not about gnome having it fixed (or gnome doing
>anything else). Is about "IF UBUNTU" must have such games in its
>standard repositories.


if it's part of GNOME, than why not providing it by the official
repositories? Because it's broken? If so, the right way wouldn't be to
remove the game, the correct way would be to report it to the
appropriate bugtracker (distro and/or upstream bugtracker/s). Should
each buggy app get removed from official repositories? Upstream of
Free/Libre and Open Source Software, as well as your distro of choice
needs assistance from the users, if all the software that has got a
bug would get removed, we would have no Free/Libre and Open Source
Software software at all.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care about games and wouldn't miss any
game, even if all games would get removed. I just try to explain you
again, that a bug report is required. Removing buggy software is only a
solution under exceptional circumstances, e.g. if a serious bug was
reported and the packagers and/or upstream is unwilling to fix it.

So what's your argument, why this software should get removed? Is it a
known bug and does upstream ignore the bug report? If so, provide a
link to the bug report.


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