
I have written an application which relies on libjudy.  Very rarely, I
tend to get a segfault or sometimes corrupted data.  Now, I realize this
could be a bug of my own making, or a problem with the Haskell FFI
(my application is written in Haskell), and there are also a suspicion
it could be a hardware error (faulty memory, perhaps).  But I see this
happen on two different servers, and playing around with the code has so
far gotten me nowhere.

I then stumbled over this discussion, indicating that libjudy is
vulnerable to aggressive optimization by certain GCC version.  The
description looks very much like what I experience, so I thought I'd
ask.  Is this something that is known and fixed for sure?  Or would it
be worthwhile to try to look deeper into this?

Unfortunately, I don't think I can give a test case, the data involved
are several hundred gigabytes.  But I (or someone) can build versions of
my application linked to versions of libjudy with different
optimizations, I can offer to run my analysis, and see if we can avoid
the faults.

Here's the discussion:

Thanks for any answer or suggestion!

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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